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Madalyn Otto
Sep 6, 2021
Applying Strategy to Your Nutrition
Believe it or not, I am also guilty of making poor eating choices if I don't plan ahead. We live in a world where it is far easier to do...

Madalyn Otto
Mar 22, 2021
A Brief Tour of My Thoughts About the COVID-19 Vaccines
I never get vaccines. One of the reasons I see a naturopath is because I don’t like to put chemicals in my body. Why should this be any...

Madalyn Otto
Mar 12, 2021
Replete, Restore, Re-balance
This period of suffering & solitude amid chaos is reaching the intolerable twelve-month mark. The winter has felt extra cold this year,...

Madalyn Otto
Jan 18, 2021
A Word on "Food as Medicine" & AGAINST New-Year-Dieting
"...a treatment recommendation to 'just lose weight' then becomes the doctor's contribution to the confusing fad-diet circus..."

Madalyn Otto
Dec 7, 2020
The weight of this year's events is feeling even more acute right now even though we're 9 months into it. Undoubtedly, this is because...

Madalyn Otto
Oct 6, 2020
Winter Is Coming...
That's either an ominous title, or an exciting one, depending on punctuation... I've been talking a lot with patients lately on...

Madalyn Otto
Sep 17, 2020
Did You Know You Can TURN OFF Stress??
Understandably, the onset of COVID-19 has been nothing short of a wrecking ball on society, and to top it off, it's also a contentious...

Madalyn Otto
Aug 21, 2020
30-Days Salt-FREE
"...For both of us, the most startling change has been in our cravings...Our eating patterns have completely shifted..."

Madalyn Otto
May 31, 2020
Buy Local
“…My experience as part of a small, independently-owned medical practice during the last 8 weeks has recently caused me to seriously..."

Madalyn Otto
May 10, 2020
Key Strategies to Being Emotionally Well During a Pandemic
“…During a time of economic’s normal to feel overwhelmed if not totally desperate!..."

Madalyn Otto
May 10, 2020
Our Health Vs. COVID-19
“While much is still unknown about the virus, we understand the variances in the severity of the disease..."

Madalyn Otto
Feb 26, 2020
The Downside of Antibiotics
“…Studies repeatedly show that when exposure starts early in life or occurs often, antibiotics increase the risk of developing..."

Madalyn Otto
Aug 16, 2019
A Bit of Juice Fasting
“…What’s fascinating about the fasting state - especially when nothing in my environment changes - is how much time I suddenly have..."

Madalyn Otto
Jul 7, 2019
"The Force" is Against Us
“…Industry marketing and industry greed go hand-in-hand. Food companies largely don’t care about your health..."

Madalyn Otto
Jun 16, 2019
Do I Need Probiotics?
“…Naturopathic doctors have been aware of the harms of a sick microbiome for decades, but mainstream medicine is finally catching on..."

Madalyn Otto
Jun 10, 2019
Stress Reduction Without Meditation
“…I don’t like to recommend things I’m not intimately familiar with, so this compounded my reasons to purchase the newest..."

Madalyn Otto
Jun 3, 2019
Does Exercise Impact Weight Loss?
Yes, of course. But perhaps not as much as you might have been banking on. The problem: Most of us are painfully sedentary as a result of...

Madalyn Otto
May 19, 2019
Adrenal Health & Inflammation
Chronic fatigue and mood imbalances are two of the most common health concerns my patients initially present with. The diagnostic test I...

Madalyn Otto
May 6, 2019
Choosing the BEST Supplements
Simply put, if I didn’t have access to the gold-standard professional nutraceutical companies that I use, I wouldn’t be able to do my job...

Madalyn Otto
Apr 29, 2019
Using Hormones
If you were to ask 10 different doctors about their approach toward hormone replacement therapy, you’d get at least 12 distinct answers....
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